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Behavioural Targeting: Rules Based versus Predictive Analytics: Part 3

With this final part in the Behavioural Targeting blog series, I’d like to shamelessly plug Youneeq’s advantages as the predictive analytics solution for online publishers and advertisers.

First, Youneeq is a patent pending, predictive analytics algorithm that farms huge amounts of data quickly and efficiently across site owners’ networks, delivering behaviourally targeted content recommendations to EACH INDIVIDUAL visitor, in real time. Think about that for a second — as each visitor comes to a site, he or she is presented with custom content. If we all went to CNN right now we’d see the same home page; but with Youneeq you see content that YOU are interested in.

Youneeq learns, evolves and becomes more accurate with every individual’s visit. This creates significant revenue potential by maximizing individual visitor engagement and loyalty while pinpointing content and advertisements.

Youneeq has a number of advantages to maximize revenues, and here is why:

1. More Impressions – Youneeq visitors are more engaged with websites, clicking through a greater percentage of pages while driving advertising earnings significantly upwards. Clients have seen as high as a 76% click-through rate from our smart recommendations as well as up to a 60% increase in advertising revenue. There is also greater potential to refresh older, deeper pages on websites by recommending them to targeted individuals, and these pages offer the highest revenue returns with advertisers, delivering potentially huge dollars.

2. Visitor Retention – Youneeq significantly reduces bounce rates, keeping viewers engaged and hanging around. Stickiness is extremely important — the longer visitors remain on a website, the more likely they come back, which means greater reputation, loyalty retention and higher ad revenue returns. It also means greater chance for e-commerce conversions if this is part of your revenue model. With Youneeq, clients have seen time-on-site averages increase from two seconds to six minutes.

3. Vital Tools for Editors – Youneeq compiles interest profiles from visitors so that site managers can learn and update content their visitors are looking for, while removing content that is wasted. Thus, sites can be content tailored for even greater performance.

4. Essential Gauge for Marketers – With Youneeq, marketers can determine ad-copy based on the types of content served to specific groups, regions or individuals in specific areas or interests for better ad performance.

5. SEO Efficiency – Youneeq will assist in greater keyword research and implementation, especially on a local and personalized level. There are few SEO analytic tools offering the granular details that Youneeq will offer about individual users.

6. Cohesive Networks – By analyzing visitor interests on sites and across networks, the company brand becomes tighter and more focused.

7. E-commerce Conversions – Via Youneeq, more content consumption equals more chances of client conversions and fee for services on transactions.

8. Made for Mobile – Mobile is quickly becoming the dominant platform, accounting for nearly 50 percent of Internet usage. But smaller screens are a problem when competing for consumer attention, and the cookie ID is falling out of favour (not to mention the trend for smart phone users is to block cookies). Therefore, new technology solutions for targeting Internet visitors are up for grabs. Youneeq solves this problem, pinpointing precise recommendations to mobile users, and it does so effectively and efficiently.

9. Easy and Solid – Youneeq’s platform and implementation are simple, stable and scalable, with an intuitive, simple to use dashboard. It easily integrates with current sales/web-ops processes in content presentation and has the ability to work with any content management system (CMS) and database spread across large media networks and disparate technologies.

In closing, check out this recent chart from one of our clients:


Between October 3rd and November 3rd of 2014, this client experienced a 68.2% increase in page views per visitor and a 495% increase in user time on site. These increases in visitor engagement levels have had a strong positive impact on this client’s revenues.

Thanks for reading!

Jamie Olson

Behavioural Targeting: Rules Based versus Predictive Analytics: Part 3 - Youneeq - Cookieless AI personalization engine

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